Cutting-edge business advice for fitness professionals. Learn how to maximize your income as a personal trainer, gym owner, or nutritional consultant. Host and money-making expert Ben presents high salary tips and tricks each week, from the website
Train For Top Dollar is a website devoted to teaching personal trainers, triathlon coaches, nutritionists, gym owners and fitness professionals how to make money and enjoy a successful fitness career. We teach personal trainer salary tips, triathlon coaching career advice, nutrition consulting business structure strategies, gym business tips, and career advice for fitness professionals. Whether you want to make more money as a personal trainer or enhance your income as a coach or gym owner, this website, combined with Ben Greenfield's book "Personal Trainers' Guide to Earning Top Dollar" will give you everything you need for a successful fitness career.
You can literally take each manageable section of this ten week series on nutrition, and turn it into a ten week nutrition mini-class for your fitness business. This will give you a value-added service that you can feature in your marketing, and give your clients both a physical and mental benefit during your classes. I’ll write each article in a manner that allows you to easily a) break information into small chunks so you don’t have to be reading this article off a piece of paper and b) easily explain it to your clients, most of which will not have backgrounds in nutrition science and physiology.
Everybody knows that nutrition is important. Whether a client’s goal is fat-burning or human performance, if the proper fuel isn’t there, the goal won’t be achieved.
I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Erik Rokeach from Fitness Business Interviews. I highly recommend you click here to check out his website, which is full of more fantastic interviews and tips. In his video interview with me, which you can also download as an audio by clicking here, I reveal 14 of my top secrets, including:
• How I got started in fitness when I really didn’t like it.
• How I got into my first business with a partner and what my role was.
• Why I got rid of my personal training business.
• What fitness marketing strategies I used to bring in clients.
• The way I created training programs for two different niche’s
• Why “bleeding” your programs keeps your clients coming back for more.
• How I found college interns.
• Why I shifted to an online business.
• How I stay successful focusing on more than one niche.
• How I drove traffic and built my websites quickly.
• The one thing that is working best for me online.
• Where you can get your own phone app developed.
• How I find time to manage everything.
• What hasn’t worked for me.
In a recent article on PTOnTheNet, titled “How To Profit From A New Year’s Weight Loss Challenge”, I explained how to design, organize and manage a profitable New Year’s campaign. The article included a general overview, prize and discount suggestions, participant instruction details…
…and also mentioned a follow-up marketing idea: a letter sent out to not only all participants in the challenge, but also the entire gym. I promised you a sample of the letter that I sent out after our highly profitable New Year’s weight loss challenge, so without further ado, here it is the letter: Continue reading ‘How To Follow Up A New Year’s Weight Loss Challenge to Make Actual SALES of Personal Training Packages’
Avoid these 8 Mistakes to Ensure Satisfied Customers and Maximum Profits…
Everyone wants their fitness boot camp to be successful and profitable. But there are some mistakes frequently made by trainers that sap the life and profit from an otherwise excellent program. Avoid these eight mistakes to make the most out of your boot camp:
Every once in a while, I stumble across a piece of internet marketing software that just makes life easier.
As a matter of fact, I don’t even need to say much about the new Kajabi software. You just need to watch or download the video below. While you’re watching, click here if you want to get Kajabi or if you want a faster loading version of the video, because it’s my affiliate link. Consider that a thank-you for me helping you discover Kajabi.
Remember to click here if you want to get Kajabi (my affiliate link). Enjoy!
This blog is about fitness business.
And if your business interest is in the specific area of endurance athletes or triathlon coaching, then this post is for you.
The paradigm has shifted for triathlon coaches. You may be a triathlete looking for a coach. You may be a triathlete evaluating your current coach. Or you may be a triathlon coach struggling to get better results for your athletes. Whoever you are, it is crucial that you are aware of critical evolutions in the triathlon coaching industry – evolutions that are going to directly effect your success in the sport of triathlon, whether you’re a coach or an athlete.
Triathlon Coaching New Rule #1) Workouts Are Not The Holy Grail.
In the day of training plan wizard writing software, libraries of pre-written triathlon programs, and a glut of free online workouts, it basically takes a chimpanzee to tell a triathlete when to swim, bike and run (that, or good copy-and-paste skills on the computer). With technology, the complete amateur coach can now design training programs that rival the guru expert coaches of triathlon.
Folks, if there’s one thing I’ve been accused of, it’s getting lots of stuff done.
And no, I’m not a multi-tasker.
Simply put, I have several key strategies (which I call “Rules”) that I use to be more productive every day and to multiply myself. Although I discuss these Rules in great detail in my book, I wanted to share the basic quick tip versons with you now. Without further ado, here are the top 5 Rules to become a more productive fitness professional:
Continue reading ‘Ben’s Top 5 Rules to Become a More Productive Fitness Professional’
In this post and video, I’m going to teach you how to record calls with iPhone. If you search around the internet, it is very difficult to find an actual app that can record iPhone calls, so this is a very good alternative. I completely understand that it requires one external piece of equipment, but it’s well worth the convenience.
Continue reading ‘How To Record Calls With Your iPhone’
So for those of you who aren’t familiar with affiliate programs, they’re basically a mechanism via which you can make recommendations to your clients and receive a profit when your clients actually find enough value in your recomendation to make a purchase.
While fitness professionals can make fantastic added income by offering their clients, customers and lists recommendations on everything from gear and equipment to tanning salons and energy bars, there’s never really been a good nutrition affiliate program for fitness professionals (password is “wccgp” to actually see the protected post on that page).
Continue reading ‘A VERY Profitable Nutrition Affiliate Program For Fitness Professionals’
In my fitness career, there are a collection of personal training business books and personal training business development books that have really helped with growth in a fitness career. I’ll put links to them at the end of this post, but they include:
“The New Psycho-Cybernetics” – this book changed the way I approach tasks that may seem impossible…
“How to Win Friends & Influence People” – the quintessential guide to working with your clients and understanding/adapting to their personalities…
“Get The Edge by Tony Robbins” – this is an audio program; the best motivational audio I’ve ever heard in my entire life…
Continue reading ‘Top 8 Books For Personal Training Business Development and Your Fitness Career.’
This article recently appeared at, but I wanted to give you a chance to look at it too, since many of these applications are very good for fitness professionals who need better client management.
In this article, I’m going to give you insight into some of the more popular iPod and iPhone nutrition and fitness apps that are currently available on the market. After you read this post, I’d like to hear what YOU think…
…specifically what would YOU want to see in the “perfect” iPhone or iPod nutrition or fitness app? Have you used any of these? In your opinion what is missing from these apps? Do you want me to make an app that fits your needs? Let’s talk about it…leave your comments below!
Continue reading ‘Top Rated iPod and iPhone Fitness & Nutrition Apps — What Do YOU Think?’
I’m going to give you an easy to understand blueprint for How To Send Your Personal Training Clients or Subscribers Physical Mail…And Make Money Doing It.
Here’s how this whole physical mail/making money thing works: I offer a service called the “Ben’s Body Transformation Club”…which you can read about by clicking here.
Every week, people from around the United States sign up and pay a small membership fee to get weekly postcard mailings from me with nutrition and training tips, and each weekly mailing includes access to a “secret” password-protected video and details page, where I demonstrate exercises, give recipe specifics, etc.
Continue reading ‘How To Send Your Clients or Subscribers Physical Mail…And Make Money Doing It.’
Want more? Just go to !
You gotta admit, it’s pretty cool that anybody, including you, can now deliver audio podcasts to iTunes and have more people and a bigger audience listening to you within 24 hours than listened to Elvis during the era of his biggest hits.
I get alot of questions about how to record a podcast, how to publish a podcast, how to produce a podcast, how to make a podcast…you get the idea!
If you follow the three steps below to creating a highly profitable online triathlon coaching or fitness training website, you’re going find that it’s so easy, even a monkey could do it. Have fun!
Step 1: Get A Web Host
I personally use Bluehost for all my web hosting. Not only are they inexpensive, at $6.95 per month, but they have excellent customer service and a huge range of options, including some pretty good looking, pre-designed website templates and the ability to add things like blogs and forums to your website with literally one click.
Well folks…I just finished this brand new book – and you’re the first to find out if you’re reading this blog!
Introducing the complete career guide for triathlon coaches who want to make a living out of their passion: my new book “How to Become a Triathlon Coach”!
Inside, you’ll learn about triathlon coach certifications and education, tools to enhance your triathlon coaching business, and even how to make your own books and DVD’s!
Continue reading ‘“How To Become A Triathlon Coach” — Now Available!’
Are you a triathlon coach? Aspiring triathlon coach? Interested in an endurance sports career or triathlon coaching career?
If so, then you should absolutely keep reading.
The sad truth is that there isn’t much information out there that helps you be a better triathlon coach, or even learn how to become a triathlon coach. As a matter of fact, just about everything there is to know about triathlon coaching can only be found by traveling to expensive conferences or buying big books.
Are you stumped about how to put together a New Year’s weight loss competition at your gym or personal training studio? Perhaps you’ve been assigned the project of designing a New Year’s program to increase revenue, but just don’t know where to start.
Congratulations – you’re about to learn exactly what to do!
The program below, which I designed while managing a small fitness facility, generated 96 participant sign-ups at a relatively small health club, with under $100 in start-up costs, but over 6K in start-up profit, then an additional 30K generated over the course of the year from people in the program going on to sign-up for individualized personal training!
Are you a triathlon coach or in the fitness endurance market? Maybe you’re just trying to find out more about a triathlon coaching career or how to coach triathlon. By clicking here (link will open in new window), you can visit the USAT Webinar archives website and have complete access to any of the following webinars:
Continue reading ‘Triathlon Coaching Webinar by Ben Greenfield now available from USAT’
In this November 20 free audio episode, I respond to a question from Joy, who asks:
“I am meeting with an administrator at a Clinic to discuss starting a pilot wellness program. I worked at a small business for a year doing one-on-one training and employee wellness (salary position). I believe I was compensated properly the first few months but at the end of the year realized I was greatly underpaid. This is partly why I’m moving on to another company. I believe this clinic has the funds to pay me appropriatly. My question for you is, how do I figure a salary for wellness and personal training at such a large company? I want to charge per session for one-on-one and per person for group sessions. To start, they will not have a workout facility but will in about a year or two. For now they would have me train in unused office space. Could you give me any advice on how to propose my services to them based on your experiences working in corporate wellness? Thanks so much!”
Continue reading ‘Podcast #18: How to Figure Out What to Charge for Corporate Wellness Services.’
In this free, November 2 audio episode from Train For Top Dollar, I discuss how to create a relationship with a local grocery store, and creating password protected websites. If YOU have a question for the Train For Top Dollar podcast, simply e-mail .
Listener Moji asks: “I will be starting grocery tours shortly in local markets and/or grocery stores like Super target, Publix etc, anywhere where my clients that are local shop. Have you ever run into an issue with the store manager not wanting you to educate your clients?
Continue reading ‘Podcast Episode #17: How Personal Trainers Can Do Grocery Store Tours.’
Technology allows you as a personal trainer or fitness professional to leverage your time and ensure that you’re not just clocking in for 8-10 hours training clients face-to-face all day long, with a very low ceiling on your personal training salary.
On August 22nd, in Toronto Canada, at one of the world’s largest fitness expos (Can-Fit-Pro), Ben Greenfield spilled all his money-making secrets to training with technology to a room of personal trainers and fitness business owners. As a special promotion for Ben Greenfield’s brand new book “Personal Trainers’ Guide to Earning Top Dollar”, you can now view this entire video for free!
Continue reading ‘Make More Money By Training With Technology in the Fitness Industry: Part I’
Want to learn exactly how I got started in personal training and the secrets to how I run my fitness business today? Click here to read the personal training magazine PFP now and get over 50 tips for personal fitness professionals, along with a history of how I got started in personal training, and what the keys are to your ultimate success in a fitness career!
By the way, keep your eyes posted on this blog…
Continue reading ‘Ben Greenfield Featured in Personal Fitness Professional Magazine.’