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Triathlon Coaching Career Advice


Are you a triathlon coach? Aspiring triathlon coach? Interested in an endurance sports career or triathlon coaching career?

If so, then you should absolutely keep reading.

The sad truth is that there isn’t much information out there that helps you be a better triathlon coach, or even learn how to become a triathlon coach. As a matter of fact, just about everything there is to know about triathlon coaching can only be found by traveling to expensive conferences or buying big books.

What kind of triathlon coaching career advice am I talking about?

Take, for example, three ways that you could enhance your triathlon coaching business online, or offer more services if you have a triathlon coaching website:

1. E-mail Triathlon Coach Consulting: A client can go to my website and pay for a single e-mail consultation. Upon receiving notice of this purchase from my online shopping cart, an autoresponder sends an e-mail back to the client with the following message:

“Congratulations! You now have access to the nation’s leading expert on exercise, nutrition, and wellness. Your e-mail consultation with Ben Greenfield allows you to get answers to your most pressing fitness, diet, or health questions. Here is Ben’s personal e-mail address: ____________. Please limit your e-mail inquiry  to no more than 500 words. Upon receiving your question(s) via e-mail, Ben will respond with a detailed response within 48 hours. Thank you!”

I’ve rarely spent more than twenty minutes responding in an e-mail consultation, and the client is always satisfied.

2. Phone Triathlon Coach Consulting: Upon receiving notice of a phone consultation purchase from my online shopping cart, an autoresponder sends an e-mail back to the client with the following message:

“Congratulations! You now have access to the nation’s leading expert on exercise, nutrition, and wellness. Your phone consultation with Ben Greenfield allows you to get answers to your most pressing fitness, diet, or health questions. Please respond to this e-mail with A) a list of the best weekday and weekend times during which you have a 20-30 minute time availability and B) the best phone number to call you at during these times. You will then be contacted via e-mail within 48 hours to schedule your phone consultation. Thank you!”

Before I purchased an “unlimited minutes” cell phone plan, I would usually attempt to schedule phone consultations on the weekend to save money on cell phone bills.

3. Live Triathlon Coach Chatting: Upon receiving notice of a live chat purchase from my online shopping cart, an autoresponder sends an e-mail back to the client with the following message:

“Congratulations! You now have access to the nation’s leading expert on exercise, nutrition, and wellness. Your live chat with Ben Greenfield allows you to get answers to your most pressing fitness, diet, or health questions. Please  go to to download the free software that will allow you to chat live with Ben Greenfield. Upon activating the software on your computer, please respond to this e-mail with your Skype username. You will then be contacted via e-mail within 48 hours to schedule your live chat. Thank you!”

I usually limit live chats to no longer than 20 minutes.

What you charge for these services is up to you. You decide how much you’re worth. You’re in control. You’d be surprised at what people will pay.

Would you like to know how to coach effectively, and how to make more money doing it? How about how to run your triathlon coaching business, launch your triathlon coaching website, and even interact with your coached athletes, interpret their workouts, and get better results?

There is specific knowledge and a triathlon coaching system that teaches you all this, and much, much more. Next month, a brand new website will be launching over at the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, and that website will include everything YOU need to be a triathlon coach, including a complete analysis of your current business, step-by-step instructions for starting your triathlon coaching business, and exactly how to make your athletes faster and better.

So are you ready to enhance your triathlon coaching career?

Just click here to sign-up for free and I promise to keep you in the loop. The triathlon coaching advice will officially begin on January 31st, 2010.

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