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Podcast #18: How to Figure Out What to Charge for Corporate Wellness Services.


In this November 20 free audio episode, I respond to a question from Joy, who asks:

I am meeting with an administrator at a Clinic to discuss starting a pilot wellness program.  I worked at a small business for a year doing one-on-one training and employee wellness (salary position). I believe I was compensated properly the first few months but at the end of the year realized I was greatly underpaid.  This is partly why I’m moving on to another company.  I believe this clinic has the funds to pay me appropriatly.  My question for you is, how do I figure a salary for wellness and personal training at such a large company?  I want to charge per session for one-on-one and per person for group sessions.  To start, they will not have a workout facility but will in about a year or two.  For now they would have me train in unused office space.  Could you give me any advice on how to propose my services to them based on your experiences working in corporate wellness?  Thanks so much!”

What do you think? If you have experience working in corporate wellness or corporate personal training, just leave a comment below with how you figure out what to charge for your services.

If you have a question you’d like to ask on the show, just e-mail

Coming on Saturday, Dec 5, at 4pm EST/1pm PST is a live, online Q&A from Train For Top Dollar and hosted by Ben Greenfield. The topic is “How To Profit from an Online Personal Training Business”. This seminar is completely FREE to attend, and on Dec 5, all you need to do is go to and there will be a LINK to click on that takes you to the free online, live Q&A with Ben Greenfield. Come with all your questions, as the seminar will last a total of 1 hour. Set aside that Saturday afternoon on your calendar right now!

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