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A VERY Profitable Nutrition Affiliate Program For Fitness Professionals

So for those of you who aren’t familiar with affiliate programs, they’re basically a mechanism via which you can make recommendations to your clients and receive a profit when your clients actually find enough value in your recomendation to make a purchase.

While fitness professionals can make fantastic added income by offering their clients, customers and lists recommendations on everything from gear and equipment to tanning salons and energy bars, there’s never really been a good nutrition affiliate program for fitness professionals (password is “wccgp” to actually see the protected post on that page).

If you’re not a registered dietitian, chef, or nutritionist, it can be very tough to teach your clients how to cook and eat properly. And even if you are a nutrition professional, how much time do you want to take teaching your clients how to sautee a chicken breast properly, or make a healthy casserole? It can be a time wasting conundrum.

Until now.

I’ve recently discovered a guy named Chef Todd, who has Web Cooking Classes. On his nutrition affiliate website, he actually offers something called a “Gold Partner” program, in which you make a commission on every new member you refer his way. (password is “wccgp” to actually see the protected post on that page)

It’s a win-win. Your customers and clients learn how to cook and eat healthy, they get better results from their fitness program, and you get paid for it.

The commissions on Chef Todd’s “Gold Partner” program are on recurring memberships, and they’re 40%. For his nutrition affiliate program ((password is “wccgp” to actually see the protected post on that page), he gives you tons of pre-written e-mails, articles, and even twitter messages that you can send out to your clients, customers and list.

Folks, when it comes to a nutrition affiliate program for fitness professionals, you can’t beat the Web Cooking Classes affiliate program . This is a no-brainer for any fitness professional.

What’s even more amazing is that Chef Todd, is extremely personable and will actually respond to your e-mails and help you sell his Web Cooking Classes to your clients. You are leaving tons of money on the table if you aren’t part of a nutrition affiliate program, and in my decade of experience, Chef Todd, is the gold-standard choice for fitness professionals.

Click here to check out Chef Todd’s “Gold Partner” Web Cooking Classes affiliate program now (password is “wccgp” to actually see the protected post on that page).

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