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Podcast Episode #10: Cloud Computing & More

In this October 16, 2008 podcast, Ben Greenfield explains how to automate your lifestyle, finances, and communication via simple and free web tools. Train For Top Dollar is all about the concept of “time as money”, and this podcast is crucial to saving you hours each week. Very helpful websites mentioned in this episode:

-manage projects, keep track of correspondence, archive files and make, assign to-do lists, and interact with outsourced employees

-free skype-to-skype calls and dirt cheap national and international calls, including video to interact with your online clients

-Keep track of all your finances seamlessly and in one place

-Backup the entire contents or chosen files on your computer to an online secure server

-Create and share your work online, upload from and save to your desktop, edit anytime, from anywhere, pick who can access your documents, share changes in real time, files are stored securely online

-Share large files with clients and co-workers.

-Share large files with clients and co-workers.

-Share AND password protect files.

-Expand your online presence and monetize your slideshow presentations.

-Social networking and business advancement in short, 160 character ‘tweets’.

-Transcribe from your phone directly to e-mail.

-Similar to Mint, but instead of simply finances, you can access ALL your accounts on one page.

-Remove yourself from junk mail.

-Allows you to track pricing trends to let you know what the best time of the month is to pull the trigger on a plane ticket.

For even more useful websites, tricks, tips and tools, be sure to check out the book “Train For Top Dollar”. In over 150 pages of cutting-edge content, Ben Greenfield teaches you how to automate your lifestyle and become a powerful and well-recognized fitness professional.

Click to get Personal Trainers' Guide to Earning Top Dollar Book