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How Much Would You Pay If You Knew This Secret?

Distribution of your articles to multiple online and print sources can vastly improve your search engine rankings, website hits, and business. Just imagine if the latest article that you wrote on “How to Tone Your Triceps” was appearing on 120 different websites just 10 days after you wrote it. You’d have instant expert status!

I was recently approached by a company that wanted to help distribute my articles to online and print publications, and also provide full press release and marketing for each article.

My first thoughts?

Fantastic! A better way to manage time and enhance marketing visibility!

My second thought, after hearing the cost?

You’re kidding.

This service was being offered for a grand total of just $4975.


Are you kidding?

For those of you who have read my book, “Train For Top Dollar”, you are aware that all my articles go out to hundreds of websites each month for a grand total of $200/month. And Press Releases are included to each print publication for just $10 per press release.

So what is the secret?

Outsourcing to virtual assistants. I simply send my articles out at the end of each month, and VOILA, a week later, they’re distributed EVERYWHERE. There are many resources on the internet, but here is one of my favorite websites to get you started: O-Desk.

The dead giveaway that this $4975 article distribution service might be a waste of money was that this company was 12 years old. In this day and age, information dissemination can be accomplished for cheap or free. And that’s just another key to ensuring your online and local visibility as a fitness professional.

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