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What Is MyList?

I recently discovered something called “MyList”.

What is MyList ?

In a nutshell, MyList is like “Pinterest for Facebook” – it allows you to make lists of things that you like or use, then share them with others to like or explore.

So how could this help you with your fitness business?

Here’s an example of what my personal MyList looks like on my Facebook business page:

what is mylist

As you can see, I not only  make lists of all the items I personally recommend, but also helpful notes for each of my podcasts, and even a MyList for interesting articles that I find (click here for an example of how I did that with a “21 Tips For Health Holidays” post).

This helps me to:

-Be way more useful to my fans and followers…

-Get a bunch more Likes on my Facebook page…

-Generate affiliate relationships with products I promote…

-And significantly increase my Facebook traffic…


So how can you add MyList to your page?


1. Click Here.

2. Click “Get MyList” on upper right side of page (see image below)

3. Start making your lists!

Once you start your MyLists, I’d love to seem them! Feel free to share a link to your MyList in the comments section below and I’ll go check it out – and you can also leave your questions, comments or feedback below.

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