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Train For Top Dollar is a website devoted to teaching personal trainers, triathlon coaches, nutritionists, gym owners and fitness professionals how to make money and enjoy a successful fitness career. We teach personal trainer salary tips, triathlon coaching career advice, nutrition consulting business structure strategies, gym business tips, and career advice for fitness professionals. Whether you want to make more money as a personal trainer or enhance your income as a coach or gym owner, this website, combined with Ben Greenfield's book "Personal Trainers' Guide to Earning Top Dollar" will give you everything you need for a successful fitness career.

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Tag Archive for 'internet fitness professionals'

5 Simple Things You Can Add to Your To-Do List for Automatically Skyrocketing Your Online Personal Training Business

If you could hack into my computer and log-in to my Entourage calendar, you would find that I’ve created a simple task for each day – just something small that takes only about 5 minutes to accomplish. These tiny, seemingly inane habits add up to massively boost my online presence, search engine ranking, and productivity as a fitness professional, personal trainer, and triathlon coach.

I want to share 5 of these tasks with you. WARNING: After 2 or 3 weeks, you will begin to notice your website hits and interest in your personal training programs begin to skyrocket!

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